Author: Karelien Kriel
Number or pages: 234 (book) + 110 (memo)
Number or activities: 42
Types or book: TEXT BOOK (fill in Activity Book) that covers the whole term’s CAPS work
Philosophy: Thinking Tools
Printing: back-to-back and bind with ring binder (1 book) or use stapler (make 2 packs)
Activity 1: whole numbers; prime numbers between 1 and 100; factors; definitions; twin prime numbers; brace maps; composite numbers
Activity 2: whole numbers; place values and number values; 6-digit numbers; expanded notation; bridge maps; tree maps
Activity 3: whole numbers; definitions of number and digit; brace map; compare 6-digit numbers; smallest; largest; larger than; smaller than; equal to; tree maps
Activity 4: whole numbers; ascending and descending order; round off to die naaste 5, 10, 100 and 1 000; rules in brace map; tree maps
Activity 5: whole numbers; properties of 0 and 1; commutative, associative and distributive laws
Activity 6-10: whole numbers; addition of 6-digit numbers; bridge maps; tree maps; columns
Activity 11: whole numbers; number walls; number patterns
Activity 12-16: whole numbers; subtraction of 6-digit numbers; bridge maps; tree maps; columns
Activity 17: measurement – time; analogue clocks; read off time; draw hour, minute and seconds arms
Activity 18: measurement – time; word problems with steps; conversion; elapsed time
Activity 19: fractions; equivalent fractions; colour in; bridge maps; simplest form
Activity 20: compare fractions; largest; smallest; colour in; meaning of fraction, numerator and denominator; brace maps; multiples; LCM
Activity 21: order fractions; ascending and descending order; includes fractions with denominators that are multiples of 10
Activity 22-23: addition of fractions and mixed numbers; definitions; brace maps; bridge maps; define proper fraction; improper fraction; mixed number
Activity 24-25: subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers; definitions; brace maps; bridge maps
Activity 26-27: addition and subtraction of fractions
Activity 28: fraction of a whole number; steps in brace map; flow maps
Activity 29: convert fraction to percentage; bridge maps; steps in brace map
Activity 30: percentage of a whole number; steps in brace map; flow maps
Activity 31-32: fractions, decimal fractions and percentages; convert; brace map
Activity 33: Geometry; measurement; measure angles; brace map
Activity 34: 2D-shapes; circle; triangle; square; rectangle; diamond; kite; pentagon; hexagon; heptagon; octagon; name; type of sides; round or straight; number of sides; number of angles; everyday object that looks like shape
Activity 35: 2D-shapes; create own patterns with compass and colour in
Activity 36: 2D-shapes; regular and irregular shapes; straight and round sides; brace map
Activity 37: Geometrical and number patterns; input values; output values; rules; number sentences; tables; work forwards and backwards; descending and ascending patterns
Activity 38: data handling; brace map; ascending order; frequency table; bar graph; questions; mode; median
Activity 39-42: number patterns; multi flow maps; input values; output values; rules; rules; tables; work forwards and backwards; meaning of words; brace map; order of operations