Author: Karelien Kriel
Number of pages: 132
A “crash course” notes (only notes of some topics) and exercise book for Gr.12 learners to study for the September and November exams.
This book consists of a complete CAPS study list, exam type of questions and a complete memorandum.
This book contains the following:
- Exam Study list with all CAPS topics
- Math Lit Formula Sheets (which formulas are given and which you must learn)
- Conversions Sheet
4. Part A: Basic Skills and Conversions
- Notes: Number formats, rounding off very large numbers and rounding off of people, etc.
- Notes: Direct proportion method and indirect proportion method
- Notes: Percentages – 7 types (the complete notes and mind map)
- Notes: Ratio Mind Map
- Notes: Converting time and correct time notation
- Exam questions and memo: Basic skills topics
- Part B: Tariff Systems
- Notes: Water tariffs with sliding scales
- Exam questions and memo: water tariffs and electricity tariffs
- Part C: Break-even Analysis and Small Business
- Notes: Patterns and Relationships – 4 different types (formula, table and graph) – the complete notes
- Exam questions and memo: Break-even analysis with 3 lines (formulas, tables, graphs and interpretation) – THREE questions with different contexts
- Exam questions and memo: Small business (Budget; Income-and-expenditure statement; cost price, selling price and profit)
- Part D: Data Handling
- Notes: Types of data (numerical, categorical, discreet, continuous)
- Notes: Mean, median and mode and which one is best
- Notes: Equation type of questions involving average (mean)
- Notes: How to estimate the amount if there aren’t clear lines on a graph
- Exam questions and memo: Stacked bar graph; data tables; equation: average; quartiles (interpreting box-and-whisker plot)
- Part E: Finance – Tax [UPDATED – 2016/2017 INFO]
- Notes: VAT (complete notes: 4 calculations)
- Notes: Personal Income Tax Mind Map + FAQ
- Notes: Example of personal Income Tax question answered step-by-step
Notes: IRP5 tax form
- Exam questions and memo: VAT and personal Income Tax (3 questions with different “set-ups”)
- Part F: Scales, maps, tables and models (optimal packing)
- Notes: Mind Map and example of vehicle operating costs
- Notes: Scales Mind map; Number scales and bar scales
- Notes: Building
- Notes: Optimal packing (fitting in the largest amount of objects possible in real life)
- Exam questions and memo: Vehicle operating costs; floor plan with scale questions; optimal packing (2 different types)
- Part G: Finance – Loans and Investments
- Notes: Loans, annuity and Stokvel
- Notes: Simple interest and compound interest (investment and depreciation)
- Exam questions and memo: Interest questions and investments with spreadsheet type of questions
- Part H: 2- and 3-dimensional shapes
- Notes: All formulae for perimeter, area, TSA and volume
- Notes: Example of TSA – more difficult question
- Exam questions and memo: More difficult TSA (2 different types); more difficult area and perimeter
- Part I: Finance – Currency and Exchange Rates
- Notes and examples for each situation: Foreign currency – buying and selling, including commission fees
- Mind map: Foreign currency – buying and selling
- Exam questions and memo: Buying and selling foreign currency
- Part J: Probability
- Notes: Probability – Lottery
- Notes: Formula
- Notes: Probabilities of multiple events, including tree diagram and two-way table
- Exam questions and memo: Lottery; general probability (prediction); tree diagram; two-way table