Author: Karelien Kriel
Number of pages: 18 (ass) + 5 (memo)
Total: 75 marks
Cover with learner’s info
Empty mark sheet
Numbers and Operations
- number symbol (max 999)
- number name (max 999)
- place value: break up (max 999)
- more and less
- multiples (max 12)
- compare and order numbers (max 999)
- number bonds of 30
- ordinal numbers (max 31)
- round off to the nearest 10
- addition, subtraction, double, halve and division (max 999)
- division with a fraction
- fraction of a whole number
- quarters and 1 whole
- money
- complete Geometrical pattern
Space and Shapes
- recognise view of everyday object and name object
- draw circle, triangle, square and rectangle
- objects; name; number of faces; shapes of faces; cube; rectangular prism; pyramid; cylinder
- symmetry: draw other half
- days of the week
- months of the year
- time: in words and digital; draw arms in
- conversion: days and weeks; months and weeks
- duration in minutes
- Mass: read off mass from digital scale
- Volume: read off volume from jug
- Area: count the number of blocks (tiles)
Data Handling
- count number of animals; make tally marks; complete table
- answer questions about data