Author: Melissa Blom
Number of pages: 4 (ass) + 2 (memo)
Total: 35 marks
(1) Number name (1)
(2) Number symbol (1)
(3) Round to the nearest 10 (1)
(4) Number value (1)
(5) Halve and double (4)
(6) Counting forwards and backwards in 10s, 20s and 3s (6)
(7) Word sum; geld; addition and subtraction (3)
(8) Word sum; multiplication (2)
(9) Word sum; division (grouping) (2)
(10-11) Shape and object (2)
(12) Symmetry (3)
(13-14) Tine; half hour and quarter hour (2)
(15) Data graph and questions (7)