Author: Melissa Blom
Number of pages: 4 (ass) + 2 (memo)
Total: 35 marks
(1) Break up numbers (1)
(2) Build up numbers (1)
(3-4) Number value (1)
(4) Number (2)
(5) Place value (1)
(6) Expanded notation (2)
(7) Halve and double (4)
(8) Addition and subtraction (4)
(9) Ordinal number (1)
(10-11) Fractions (2)
(12) Counting forwards and backwards in 1e; 2s; 3s; 4s; 5s and 10s (12)
(13) Word sum; subtraction (2)
(14) Word sum; multiplication (2)
(15) Number block (1)