This message is from One-Stop-Edu-Shop ( for parents who have computers, internet access and WhatsApp.
Dear Primary School Parents

Let’s look back on the month of April and access how it’s been going.
I am going to discuss each phase. You are welcome to skip to the phase your child is in. Don’t take anything as critique. Rather see this as an opportunity to improve your child’s, as well as your own, well being.

Grade R parents
In Grade R the emphases is on learning through play.
Arranging a 30 minute period where you do structured play daily, is enough. The rest of the day can be spent on informal play.
Suggestions for formal play
- Throw all the cutlery out of its organiser and let your child pack everything back in the right places.
- Pack patterns with different coloured blocks, stones, beans, pegs or whatever you have handy at home.
- Do colouring in of something “school-related”, like the free colouring books that we sell in this shop
- Click on the pic for link to FREE English Fun Math and Animals Colouring Book:
- Click on the pic for link to FREE Afrikaans Wiskunde en Diere Prek Inkleurboek:
- Click on the pic for link to FREE Afrikaans My Alfabet Inkleurboek:
(Sorry! We don’t have this one in English.)
- Let him cut out different shapes and then arrange it by type of shape; big to small or small to big.
- Make your own clock (also available for free in this shop) and play with the arms and talk about what you to from you wake up until you go to sleep.
- Click on the pic for link to FREE English Teapot Clock:
- Click on the pic for link to FREE Afrikaans Teepot Horlosie:
- Play with clay. Make letters with clay.
- Write letters and numbers in tomato sauce on a table.
- Play with different sized measuring cups and spoons in a tub of water (or in the bath).

- Also have a look at all the concept a young child should know.
- Click on the pic for link to FREE 98 Concepts in pics:
What else?
- Go to
- Go to Products
- Go to Grade R
- Go through all the Grade R pages ans see if there is anything you would like your child to do.

Grade 1, 2 and 3 parents
Foundation Phase learners have 4 subjects: Home Language; First Additional Language; Mathematics and Life Skills
Let’s talk Mathematics
The important of mastering Mathematical concepts at this age can’t be stressed enough. Although the DBE (Department of Basic Education) books are very helpful and colourful, skills need to be practised more.
Therefore I urge you to spend 15 to 30 minutes on Maths daily.

Print and complete the worksheets sent by teachers.
However, if you are not receiving worksheets, or not enough sheets where you can practice different Math skills, I would like you to purchase my Term 2 Math Activity Book with Thinking Tools, if you haven’t done so already.
For the month of May I have reduced the prices of all my Term Activity Books to only R15 for the whole term’s work. If you don’t have working printer, the kid can write the stuff down from the screen and then do it on paper, or preferably in a book.

What does it mean when I write books using Thinking Tools?
My goal is to work in such a way that the child:
(1) thinks for himself
(2) realises what he is thinking
(3) see patterns
(4) does the work himself and understands it
(4) does the work himself and understands it

I ask a lot of questions that must be answered.
Questions are used to help children recognise patterns and make conclusions.
It also helps them to think about what they have done and to be able to verbalise it.
When I use Thinking Maps, I lead the child during activities to a place where he is able to understand, on his own, even if he hasn’t done the Thinking Tools course yet.
My methods are aimed at UNDERSTANDING.
I never force certain methods, but rather give children the opportunity to explore more than one way of answering the question.
These methods will help them to really understand what they are doing, to enjoy it and not to do rote learning like parrots.

I strongly advise all parents and children to do the Thinking Tools course. Email Dr Cas Olivier at for more info.

I am already far behind in Maths! What do I do?
Step 1: Purchase a Term 2 MAB (Math Activity Book) or WAB (Wiskunde Aktiwiteits Boek) for your child (children)
Click on links below to go to the book you need, put it in your basket – and read “How It Works” to understand the shop better. [If you can not afford it, mail me, Karelien Kriel, art to explain your situation. My goal is to help every child I can, so let’s not have money stand in the way or that.]
Step 2: Do 2 activities per day. The activities are fun and not too long. So you will be caught up by the beginning of June.

Evaluating my situation
- If you have used my MAB the whole term, you are doing just fine.
- If you are starting my MAB at the beginning of May and doing 2 activities per day, your child would have covered the whole’s term’s Mathematics by the beginning of June.
- If you are just doing what the teacher sent and . or the DBE book and you feel satisfied with that, then that is also fine.

We don’t know how our kids are going to be assessed. But it is important that we as parents make sure our kids work through all the work in order to pass this year.
As the minister said on TV: It WON’T be “pass one, pass all”. Your child will still have to pass on own merrit.
And if you don’t make sure he covers all the work that is expected to be done in this grade in this term, you are taking an opportunity away from him to:
- gain knowledge
- apply his skills
- pass his year
- go on to the next grade in 2021

Go back to the basics!
- Go to the spelling lists: Can my child spell all these words?
- Take 10 words a day. Let your child pack it out on the carpet, sound it, cover ot with his hand and sound and spell it.
- Ask him the next day to pack out the 10 words without helping him (test).
- Then continue with the next 10 words.
- Practise Sentence Building
- Let him pack out a sentence on the carpet. Now look for ways to improve the sentence until is has double the amount of words it had before.
- Read a short book.
- Do this every day.

What else?
- Go to
- Go to Products
- Go to Grade 1 (or 2 or 3)
- Go through all the pages and see if there is anything you would like your child to do.
Grade 4 – 7 parents
- Make a list of your child’s subjects
- Add the teachers name and contact details to the list
- If the teacher is not really sending work, download the CAPS of that subject from the DBE (Department of Basic Education) website.
- Go through the CAPS of Term 2 and familiarise yourself with what your child must do.
- Set up your own worksheets, ask the teacher for more work in spesific areas; find worksheets online; ask for advide in the appropriate Facebook groupsl find an App; etc.

Follow my advice as given in Grade 1 – 3 Parents section.
Time spent on work
20 – 30 min on each subject daily
What else?
- Go to
- Go to Products
- Go to Grade 4 (5, 6 or 7)
- Go through all the pages and see if there is anything you would like your child to do.