Author: Karelien Kriel
Number or pages: 234 (book) + 84 (memo)
Number or activities: 43
Types or book: TEXT BOOK (fill in Activity Book) that covers the whole term’s CAPS work
Philosophy: Thinking Tools
Printing: back-to-back and bind with ring binder (1 book) or use stapler (make 2 packs)
Activity 1: whole numbers; compare numbers; largest and smallest; write numbers in ascending and descending order; brace map; order numbers; explain; tables; multiple choice
Activity 2: whole numbers; factors; prime numbers; composite numbers; rules or divisibility; brace map
Activity 3: whole numbers; prime factors; brace map; bridge maps; product; product of prime factors; ladder
Activity 4-5: whole numbers; rounding off to the nearest 5, 10, 100 and 1 000; circle maps; tree maps; brace maps
Activity 6: whole numbers; count forwards and backwards; flow maps; number lines
Activity 7-9: whole numbers; order of addition and multiplication; tree maps; multi flow maps; conclusions; brace maps; flow maps
Activity 10-11: whole numbers; addition with 6-digit numbers; tree maps that lead to columns
Activity 12-13: whole numbers; subtraction with 6-digit numbers; tree maps that lead to columns
Activity 14-15: whole numbers; multiplication; 4-digit with 2-digit numbers; multi flow maps and tree map that lead to columns; explain steps; compare answers
Activity 16-17: whole numbers; division; 4-digit with 2-digit numbers; multiples; multi flow maps and bridge maps that lead to columns (long division); rem; explain steps; compare answers
Activity 18: whole numbers; calculations with 4 operations; draw own maps
Activity 19: whole numbers; multiples; LCM; tables; brace map
Activity 20: whole numbers; factors; HCF; tables; brace map
Activity 21: whole numbers; prime factors; brace map
Activity 22: whole numbers; word problems; ratio; rate; bridge maps
Activity 23: whole numbers; word problems; financial Mathematics; discount; flow map; interest; budget; tables; bridge maps
Activity 24: Geometry; classify angles; brace map; measure angles
Activity 25-26: Geometry; construct a circle; conclusions
Activity 27: Geometry; construct a 60° angle, a 30° angle, a 90° angle and a 120° angle
Activity 28: whole numbers; powers; tree maps; expanded notation; exponential notation; define terms in brace map
Activity 29: whole numbers; squared numbers and cubed numbers; tree maps; brace map
Activity 30: whole numbers; square roots and cube roots; tree maps; brace map
Activity 31: whole numbers; practice; squared numbers and cubed numbers; square roots and cube roots; tree maps
Activity 32-33: whole numbers; operations with powers; tree map; bridge maps
Activity 34: whole numbers; word problems; powers; tables
Activity 35: Geometry; triangles; classify according to sides and angles; brace maps
Activity 36-37: Geometry; draw, measure and classify quadrilaterals; rectangle; square; trapezium; parallelogram; rhombus; kite; brace map; properties
Activity 38: Geometry; parts of circle; brace map
Activity 39: Geometry; similarity and congruency; brace map
Activity 40: Geometry; parallel lines; construct
Activity 41: Geometry; loodregte lines; construct; brace map
Activity 42: practice more long multiplication
Activity 43: practice more long division