Author: Karelien Kriel
Number or pages: 120 (ass) + 10 (memo)
Total: 105 marks
Cover with learner’s info
Empty mark sheet
Numbers and Operations
- place value and number value
- Write in ascending order
- multiples
- ordinal numbers
- odd numbers
- round off to the nearest 5, 10, 100 and 1 00
- number bonds
- addition and subtraction of 5-digit numbers
- double and halve
- multiply 2-digit with 2-digit
- divide 3-digit with 2-digit; with a remainder
- division with a fraction
- equivalent fractions
- count in common fractions
- addition and subtraction of fractions; with mixed numbers
- associative, commutative and distributive laws
- properties of 0 and 1
- number pattern: word problem with money
- Geometrical pattern: multi flow map; find missing values; give rule in words; write number sentence
Space and Shapes
- view of set of objects
- map of farm; grid refences; give directions
- name heptagon
- similarities and differences between square and rectangle
- similarities and differences between cone and pyramid
- angle sizes in terms of right angle
- draw lines of symmetry
- recognise transformations: reflection; rotation; translation
- time: calendar
- Time: read time off analogue clock; words; digital time in morning and evening
- Time: draw arms on clock
- Time: convert sec to min; hours to min; hours to days; years to months; decades to years
- Time: duration
- Length: measuring instruments
- Length: convert m to cm; m to km
- Mass: descending order
- Mass: read mass off analogue scale
- Volume: read volume off jug; convert ml to litres
- Temperature: read off digital thermometer
- area of shape in blocks
- volume in terms of packing
Data handling
- lengths (in cm) of the learners
- ascending order
- tally table
- mode and other questions
- bar graph