Author: Karelien Kriel
Number of Pages: 20
Number of Activities: 18
With Thinking Tools
Activity 1: Draw number of circles for 1-12
Activity 2: Write numbers on worm’s body 1-20 and 14-33
Activity 3: Flow map; Count from 0-17; Count from 23-40
Activity 4: Draw own flow map to show how you count from 15-35
Activity 5: Given: flow map 1-18 and “number block-worm” 1-18; differences and similarities; double bubble map
Activity 6: Complete “number block-worms” 7-26 and 27-46
Activity 7: Make own Number block-worm to show how you count 17-41
Activity 8: Given: Number block-worm 1-20 and number block with arrows 1-20; differences and similarities; double bubble map
Activity 9: Complete number blocks with arrows 16-60
Activity 10: Make your own number block with arrows to show how you count 61-90
Activity 11: Number block 1-30
Activity 12: Number block without arrows 31-50; before; 1 less
Activity 13: Number block without arrows 21-40; after; 1 more
Activity 14: Number block without arrows 61-80; in between
Activity 15: Number block – before, in between and after
Activity 16: Number block – 1 less and 1 more
Activity 17: Number block – 2 less and 2 more
Activity 18: Number block – 3 less and 3 more